Our 1 Day Retreat provides the opportunity learn some practical tools that focus on Daily Stress, Overthinking, Anger and Frustration and how to change how you respond to specific situations that might trigger you into a reaction.
We deliver a program that empowers you with practical tools to change your life in just 10 minutes each day including practical tools to :
interrupt stress response
calm busy mind from overthinking
understand and manage anger and frustrastion
how to relax and have some fun
Note this is not Counselling, it is a unique program of self development and growth designed specifically for MEN. This is the real deal. Processes that work for MEN.
Geraldine Zadkiel founder of Heart Connection has been working with clients for over 15 years, specialising in anxiety, depression, PTSD and Childhood Trauma she works one on one with clients as well as presenting retreats for the past 3 years. She is passionate about empoweing you to work with your subconsious to clear physial mental and emotional pain. She has developed her own processes and practical tools that take on 10 mins a day to calm busy mind, manage emotions and triggers as well as mindfulness and meditation techniques. Our content is not a replacement for you existing health plan, it will compliment you existing plan. Our commitment to providing you a personalised experience ensuring you leave the retreat empowered to manage daily stress, your sleep will be improved and you will feel calmer each day.
We never stop improving, and are continuing to expand our offerings based on how we can best serve our clients.
Presented by
Geraldine Zadkiel (Kinesiologist, Energy Healer, Retreat Facilitator)
Gerard McGann (Business Coach)
Ben Grover (Men's Stuff Adventure Program)